"If you're someone who's got an idea, you want to get out to the world. If you've written a book, but it hasn't gotten to where you want it to go yet and you want to build a whole business around it, clarify your brand, get all the media to work in today's world, which is a continually changing, evolving game of social media and so forth. Cydney can help you do that."
- Jack Canfield, Creator of Chicken Soup For the Soul & Success Principles
Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, and Entrepreneur.
“Cydney O'Sullivan is a money magnet. She's not only a successful entrepreneur, but she's the woman that other successful entrepr-eneurs have openly spilled their secrets to. Her Millionaires Academy Program is a great mentoring "cheat-sheet" for upcoming entrepreneurs and the super successful as well. If you are looking for short cuts to being a successful millionaire, and if you want to learn from the superstars, then this program is a must!”
- Alicia Lyttle, International Speaker and Internet Marketing Expert
"You will long feel gratitude to Cydney O’Sullivan for putting these secrets all together for you, the easy way to learn them. If I were you, I wouldn’t wait too long to apply them."
—Jay Conrad Levinson, the Father of Guerrilla Marketing Author, “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books, the best known marketing brand in history Named one of the 100 best business books ever written, Over 21 million sold
“Cydney helped me achieve #1 International Best Selling Book, and launch a successful coaching program that made over $250,000 in the first few weeks. That was 10 years ago and we’re still going strong! Working with Cydney has been a joy. Her encouragement, enthusiasm and expertise in business consulting, has seen my business take a quantum leap!"
- Bernie Griffiths, Director ASWPP Photographer, Author, Business Strategist Speaker
"Do not hesitate in hiring Cydney to deal with all aspects of having your book published; and do not hesitate in hiring her for her extensive marketing skills. I can sincerely say that I have not come across any other “one-stop shop” individual that can provide this level of expertise in this area. She is also a delight to work with and full of helpful guidance every step of the way. With immense gratitude – thank you Cydney."
- Vera Culkoff , Barrister Best Selling Motivational Author & Speaker